Rules and regulations
About zoom link and class
Students must enter to meeting before the class starts. Meeting will be locked immediately after the class starts.
All the camera must be on. Otherwise teacher may remove student from the class without prior notice.
All resources related to optional mathematics will be posted in everyday.
You can find your zoom link in the same web address. meeting Link will not be posted in group everyday. You should and must be able to find it yourself.
Under unavoidable circumstances, you will be informed from school administration side about the delay or cancellation of the class.
Evaluation system
Unlike last year, your evaluation will be on CAS basis. Sixty Percent of your marks will be calculated from your regular activities.
CAS evaluation will be done on following basis
Regularity = 20% ( joining the meeting will not be enough. Your camera must be turned on)
weekly oral test = 15% ( students will be asked to answer questions at least once a week. Students must be able to answer within five seconds)
Weekly class test = 15%
Homework = 10%
This marks will be added to your terminal examination or in any unit test.
If your performance becomes below average during any week, your parents will be informed about it.
Your score will be posted on weekly basis.
Communication with teacher
You should ask all the questions or doubts within classroom time.
I will neither post anything or answer your questions from messenger or email.
Your homework or any other prescribed work must be submitted via TCP.