We know number nine is a magical number. Sum of digit of all numbers , whose factor is nine, will be always be nine or multiple of nine. But is it …
Read moreMathematics is regarded as one of the tough subject in Nepalese schools. If we count the number of students failing in school level, we can see major…
Read moreSin 8A = 8Sin A. CosA. Cos2A.Cos4A Prove that Cos 2 A + Sin 2 A.Cos2B = Cos 2 B + Sin 2 A.Cos2B (2CosA + 1)(2CosA-1) = 2Cos2A + 1 If you need a…
Read moreSometimes we have to do something exactly opposite what expect special when they do not trust you. In Nepal, the private school are always looked wit…
Read moreOnce, Sachin Tendulkar and David Beckham were watching a game of Maria Sharapova. After the game, a journalist asked Sharapova whether she knew Tendu…
Read moreForce (WORKout questions.) 1. What is free fall? 2. What is grav…