Save your all facebook documents

What will happen if Facebook suddenly ban your account? Or you permanently deactivate your Facebook account? You will lost all your saved documents in Facebook including messages, photos, status. Facebook is itself an online diary where you can feel your past by reading status from that day. So what will you do when your Facebook account will be no more existing.
There is an easy option provided by Facebook. You can download all your information shared on Facebook To download your facebook archieve follow this steps.
  1. Click the account menu at the top right of any Facebook page
  2. Choose Account Settings
  3. Click on "Download a copy of your Facebook data"
  4. Click Start My Archive
.  There are two kind of archive.  You can select which one you prefer. To know what is included in "downloaded info" and in "expanded archieve" go to this link,
By doing this you can download all your Facebook activity and you will see all your activity even when you have no access to your Facebook account.

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