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Read moreMeeting ID will be 9820022161 and password will be mahesh. Students need to remember the meeting ID and password. Zoom will be launched before 2 mi…
Read moreCot 8A +cosec 4A = cot 2A – cosec 8A Sin 4 A = 1/8(3 – cos 2A + cos 4A) Tan A + 2 tan 2A + 4 tan 4A + 8 cot 8A = cotA Enter your email addre…
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Read moreCan you divide any number by zero? Why we can not divide 0 by 0? And why 0 to the power is not possible? Please watch the video to get answer To get …
Read moreForce (WORKout questions.) 1. What is free fall? 2. What is grav…